The summer school is co-organised by Erasmus+ CBHE project INTENSE – Integrated Doctoral Program for Environmental Policy, Management and Technology and supported by DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service. The WIN! school will take place on August […]
INTENSE Annual Meeting was hold on 21-23 March 2019 at Estonian University of Life Science (EMU) in Tartu. The following partners were represented: EMU, BOKU, LNU, OSENU, KKNU, IECNASU, NUM, KHU, HUST, HCMUNRE. After welcoming speech of Prof. Kalev Sepp and Prof. Endla Reintam from EMU, Ms. Lilian Ariva delivered a presentation of [...]
An INTENSE PhD seminar on EU Environmental Policy Instruments for Ukraine’ was held on 19-21 February 2019 at Kharkiv V. Karazin National University, in collaboration with the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project ‘INENCY – Instruments of the EU Environmental Policy’. INTENSE PhD students from Kharkiv (also from the Research Institute of [...]
On 23-25 October 2018 Odessa State Environmental University was represented at the 10th International Exhibition ‘Innovation in Modern Education’ and the 8th International Exhibition ‘World Edu’, which was held in Kyiv, at the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth.
The seminar on "The Precautionary Principle in Sustainability Transitions" was held on 13 September 2018 at KKNU within the framework of the implementation of the Erasmus+ project "INTENSE". Speakers: employees of the Environmental Faculty - Oleksandra Volkovaia, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecological Safety and Environmental Education [...].
In the period from 15 to 26 August 2018, within the framework of the Erasmus+ project ‘Integrated Doctoral Program for Environmental Policy, Management and Technology – INTENSE’, 586471-EPP-1-2017-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, the NEXT Summer School on Nature-Based Solutions for Smart Cities was held […]
Төсөл нь хамтрагч орнууд болох Монгол, Украин, Вьетнам улсуудад хүрээлэн буй орчны докторын сургалтыг сайжруулах замаар тус улсуудад тулгараад буй байгаль орчны салбар дахь бодлогын тааруу зохицуулалт, менежментийн үйл ажиллагааны оновчгүй сонголт, шаардлагатай технологийн хомс байдал зэрэг асуудлуудын учир шалтгааныг тодруулах зорилготой.
Холбоо барих

Эстони Улсын Хөдөө Аж Ахуйн Их Сургууль (EMU), Тарту хот, Эстони улс
Доктор Калев Сепп, Профессор
+372731 3777
Annual Meeting
INTENSE Annual Meeting will take place on 21-23 March 2019 in Tartu, Estonia, on the premises of Estonian University of Life Science.
Agenda – draft version.
ICT training in Tartu
The training on 20-24 May 2019 will be on the development of e-learning, e-science modules, MOOCs etc. Course participants will get in advance an assignment for the development of a course, and during the training session this will be completed.
The course will be co-organised with the CBHE project SUNRAISE and will be provided jointly by experts from the University of Bremen (Germany) and Tartu, and with the participation of SUNRAISE partner institutions from Bhutan, India etc.
The WIN! summer school on Water Innovations: Policy, Management, Research
The 3rd INTENSE summer school to be held in Tartu (Estonia) on 12-23 August 2019 will be a vibrant mixture of interactive sessions, field trips, and group work in a unique setting, designed to give participants hands-on project and research experience with a range of water, wetland and littoral ecosystems and their sustainable use, and with a focus on novel and innovative approaches and methodologies. All 30 participants will be students or young experts, therefore we would like everyone to have a memorable time with us in Estonia!
Үйл ажиллагаа
1.1 Эцсийн хэрэглэгчид болон институтийн орчинд нарийвчилсан судалгаа хийх
1.2 Сургалтын үйл явц болон институтийн бүтцийг сайжруулах ажлын даалгавар (ToRs)
2.1 Сургалтын үйл явц (COP), судалгааны цар хүрээ болон шилжилтийн төлөвлөгөөг сайжруулах
2.2 Докторын мэргэшлийн үнэмлэхийг дахин хянах
2.3 Үндэсний INTENSE хөтөлбөрүүд болон олон улсын INTENSE сүлжээг бий болгох
3.1 INTENSE нээлттэй боловсролын платформыг хөгжүүлэх
3.2 eLearning загварууд болон нийтэд зориулсан онлайн хичээлүүдийг (MOOCs) хөгжүүлэх
3.3 eScience загварууд хөгжүүлэх
3.4 Шилжих чадварыг эзэмшүүлэх курс болон сургалтын материал боловсруулах
4.2 Чанарын баталгаа, төслийн үр дүнгийн талаарх тойм
5.1 INTENSE веб порталыг ажиллуулах, засварлах
5.3 Сүлжээгээ өргөтгөх, сургалт болон олон нийтэд түгээх үйл ажиллагаа явуулах
6.2 INTENSE засаглалын бүтцийг зохион байгуулах
6.3 Төслийн санхүүгийн болон үйл ажиллагааны удирдлага