On March 26, 2021 INTENSE partners from Vietnam has finally made the last step in establishing the INTENSE doctoral program in Vietnam! The establishment of the National Program has been marked by signing a MoU between relevant institutes within two partner universities in Vietnam – School of Environmental Science and Technology (INEST), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and Research Institute of Sustainable Development (RISD), Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Resources and Environment (HCMUNRE). The signature ceremony took place in HCMUNRE with representatives of both universities involved. This event has been somewhat delayed due to some unforeseen administrative difficulties, however this is done, and the road for close and sustainable cooperation over research training in INTENSE field is open now! The meeting overview report is available here; the MoU and other documents and information regarding the INTENSE National Doctoral program in Vietnam are available from the dedicated Program's page.