The following 4 MOOC-courses developed are available at http://mooc.intense.network
Water Management and Policies under the Growing Uncertainties in Biophysical and Socioeconomic Systems
(1) Overall Introduction of the Water MOOC
(2) Water management at different scales
(3) Land use and climate change impacts on water resources (specific aspects in the partner countries)
(4) Wetlands, ecohydrology and ecosystem services
(5) Water pollution in river systems (Huang, Vietnam)
(6) Water pollution in lakes and coastal zones (Ukraine)
(7) Physical water management structures
(8) Integrated water management strategy
(9) Urban water management – The city blueprint approach
(10) Integrated transboundary water management (Huang, Vietnam)
(11) Experiences with implementation of EU water directives in Ukraine
(12) Integrated coastal zone management of the Azov-Black Sea basin
(13) Uncertainty, Risk and Sustainability in water resources management
(14) Water management in agriculture
(15) Reservoir management for the protection and sustainable use of water and biological resources: An integrated approach
The Precautionary Principle and Sustainability Transition
Module 1 – Sustainability concept and precautionary principle
- 01 – Early warnings and the precautionary principle
- 02 – IT tools – Geoinformation technologies in planning sustainable development of territories
- 03 – Sustainable land management and climate change
- 04 – Sustainability indicators
Module 2 – Sustainable consumption and production
- 01 – Special protected area management and its sustainability
- 02 – Sustainable agriculture
- 03 – Sustainable Fisheries
- 04 – Sustainable transport
- 05 – Delta challenges
- 06 – Social conflicts during econetwork creation and development
Nature-Based Solutions and Green-Blue Urban Infrastructure
Module 1: Key concepts and international trends of protected areas
Module 2: Ecosystem and NbS
- Ecosystem services and ecosystem based adaptation
- Mangrove Forest vs. Climate Changes
- Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas
Module 3: Green-Blue infrastructure
- Green infrastructure for water management in post-Soviet Union countries, case study in Kharkiv
- Peri-urban-areas-and-case-study
- Rehabilitation of a former river: A case study of Vienna, Austria
Integrative solutions for Sustainable Energy Development
(1) Energy Development Plan
(2) Energy development and current policies in developing countries
(3) Science-Policy Interactions over the Governance of nuclear disaster
(4) Green energy development and climate changes resilience
(5) Hydropower
(6) Waste to energy
(7) Solar energy
(8) Fuel Cell
(9) Energy Efficiency for Buildings
(10) Energy Efficiency for Industries